Our Team

Our success is a result of teamwork and building upon our technical expertise and creative style to provide a full-service solution to our clients. Have a look at our core team below. 

Marius Landman

Founder Bitcoin Trend & Forecast Lead Analyst, Forecaster and Editor at Long Term Trade Reports, Inner Circle & Trade Partners. Co-Editor MTT Crypto Reports (SCBG).

Wendy Landman

Co-Founder Bitcoin Trend & Forecast, Founder of Hodlnots Lead Trainer & Analyst at Hodlnots Analyst at Long Term Trade Reports, Inner Circle & Trade Partners

Michelle Gray

Head of Operations, Administration, IT and Customer Support at BitcoinTAF, Hodlnots Marketing Support

Vikki Zanotto

BitcoinTAF Advisory Board Principal Training & Development at Hodlnots BTAF Team Support

Nico le Roux

BitcoinTAF Advisory Board Lead Analyst at Day Trade Masters (DTM,TrendSig) Lead Analyst and Trainer at Ultimate Crypto Day Trade Inner Circle Analyst

Cory Gardiner

Senior Analyst at Day Trade Masters (DTM, TrendSig) and Lead Trainer at Mastering Defi Training

Justin Babcock

Junior Analyst at Day Trade Masters, Trainer at DTM Essentials, Master Certified Professional Coach

Jon Meinking

Lead Trainer at Hodlnots

Reon Scrooby

Team Lead Graphic Design, Content Creator & Customer experience

Ruben Dario

Team Lead IT Specialist