
Navigating the Bitcoin and Crypto markets can be challenging on your own. That’s why we offer personalized coaching to help you achieve success and establish a strong foundation in the $12 trillion future of finance. Let us fast-track you to success.


We can assist in laying the foundation for a fulfilling life that doesn’t require a vacation, regardless of your lifestyle or time constraints. The concept of having multiple streams of income and investing/trading on various timeframes ensures a steady flow of cash to cover daily expenses, monthly bills, and long-term investments beyond the world of Bitcoin, such as real estate or land.



Our HODLNOTS Premium product is a 1-on-1 Course for beginners. We demonstrate and discuss trading basics in an easy-to-follow, step-by-step structure with our experienced scalping analysts and trainers. The concepts should sound familiar to you for the more advanced, but we may just tweak what you know a little bit to get you into that scalping mentality.  You decide the times, days and speed of your training fit for your lifestyle. 

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With DTM Premium (available as an add-on to your Day Trade Signals product), you gain behind-the-scenes access to our Analyst Chat, trade ALT coin pairs shoulder-to-shoulder with the best Analysts in the Business, and merge multiple trading time-frames into one fluid power-house strategy that continues to evolve with the Markets. This is where everything comes together, saving you time, money and mistakes. 




You deserve the best, and our team is here to fast-track your performance and trading strategy. Work shoulder-to-shoulder with Marius Landman and his Inner Circle team to achieve the best results you could hope for in any market, or choose to mirror the trades through Trade Partners.


Gain privileged access to our most experienced Analysts and support in your private chat, with cutting-edge products and training designed to grow your portfolio regardless of market conditions continuously.


Receive direct 1-on-1 training and guidance with making better, objective and timely decisions entering new trades and exiting on highs. Maximise your growth when markets support it and protect your capital from excessive downside risk when they don’t.  

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Ultimate Lifestyle Coinsulting

The Ultimate Lifestyle
Coinsulting Bundle

If you aren’t quite ready for the whole Inner Circle experience, we recommend looking at our alternative option as a stepping stone to propel you into whom you need to become to live your best life. If you feel overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, or stuck in a rut, it may be time to consider The Ultimate Lifestyle Coinsulting Bundle.


In the Ultimate Lifestyle Coinsulting Bundle, you will begin your journey with an in-depth analysis to identify what’s working for and against you and identify areas that are strengths and areas that need work. 

This is the foundation on which we’ll construct four personalised coaching calls and three customised strategy sessions to guide you, shed light on any problem areas, and work through an action plan to keep you on track and seeing growth. We equip you with relevant content and tools to fast-track your progress and trim down on time and effort while enhancing results on every session, levelling up as you grow. We work closely with our clients to implement a combination of mindset and technical strategies proven to help clients achieve their goals in weeks rather than years. You will quickly eliminate the confusion, the noise, and the overwhelm and know precisely where to apply the right amount of effort for the maximum return on time invested.

As you and your portfolio evolve, we will be here to help you every step of the way. You can take it as fast or as slowly as you want, with customised solutions and additional help available when needed.